If you’ve been to a magic show, like one at a theatre like the Paramount Theatre in Austin, you know the magical feeling of nostalgia and anticipation. House music begins to fade as the lights dim, the crowd quiets, ripe with anticipation. Stage lights come up as the curtain retracts… it’s showtime!
There’s something about magicians that evokes a sense of wonderment in children and nostalgia in adults. I mean, as a child, what could be more exciting than someone pulling a rabbit out of a hat? Logically, even children know there’s no way that rabbit could fit in that hat without being seen, let alone live in there just waiting for the day someone reaches their hand in pulling them out by the ears.
We’re bringing a bit of magic to Barton Hill Farms this season, with magic shows from Austin’s own magical trickster, Jeffrey Jester. Signature purple hat and bag of tricks all his own, Jeffrey Jester has been performing, studying, and obsessed with magic and balloon art for more than 25 years. His slapstick style humor, sleight of hand, and energetic show is amazing and fun. He has been called funny, innovative, and very entertaining.

Jeffrey Jester isn’t just an Austin native like Matthew McConaughey, he’ll be performing October 9th, 10th, 15th, and 16th at the Fall Festival on the TX Live Music Stage at Barton Hill Farms. You definitely won’t want to miss this show!
This show is sure to sell out, so purchase your tickets in advance online!
How much do you know about magic tricks and their origins?
Modern magic, sometimes referred to as illusionism, stage magic, or close-up magic has been around for centuries. Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin, a 19th century magician/illusionist, is considered to be the father of modern magic. A few notable 19th and 20th century magicians; Harry Kellar, Harry Houdini, David Blaine, David Copperfield, Penn & Teller, were all influenced by Robert-Houdin and we’re not just talking old-fashioned sleight of hand/deck of card tricks.
Harry Houdini, arguably the most famous magician and escapologist in the last hundred years, performed all over the world, but did you also know that he performed at The Majestic in Austin, Texas eight times during his storied career?
“Austin is a beautiful place and I will not be here long. I would like to see the town, to do my acts and to be peaceful. But there is something in the air. I have not opened my mail and will not until tomorrow. There should be a challenge in it. You know, this place surprises me. It looks a lot bigger than they tell me it is. And you have in the Majestic one of the finest theaters in the Southwest. It would be a credit to any city.”
– Harry Houdini
Fun Fact: Harry Houdini wasn’t his real name – the first name “Harry”, was said to pay homage to American magician Harry Kellar, while his last name “Houdini” paid homage to Jean Eugene Robert-Houdin.
If you want to see more magic this Fall, come to the Fall Festival at Barton Hill Farms to catch The Wonderful World of Jeffrey Jester. Reserve your tickets today!